Saturday, September 22, 2007


I have so many memories of this girl laughing, and smiling and SINGING... and so many pictures... but I love this one. Bound and determined to get up on her board outside of Tofino. We've had so many adventures... so many laughs and a couple cries. Always ready to make the most of life... a true inspiration!

Auntie Gina

(Uncle Pat, moi and) Auntie Gina...
Inspiring in academics, family and love
Proof that I will still be hot when I'm 40!


Super ndn nephew.
Can ride the 4 wheeler with his eyes closed.

Waited a long time to be a bonafied auntie.
Miss you.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Beverly Jacobs, Christine Welsh, Janice Acoose

51st Convention on the Status of Women, 2007
United Nations, NYC
The caption rings true.....
We are powerful.


"If I never met you, I wouldn't like you,
If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you,
If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you,
But I did, I do, and I will."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Martha Joseph

Martha I found you walking,
I found you walking...
eternally step after step, after long breaths
another step... little taps on the pavement,
leaving no hint of the trail you
were blazing in the minds and the hearts
of us all,
the ones who you passed,
the ones who passed before you,
the ones that were never brought to life
but live in our broken and beautiful hearts...

With all that weight on your shoulders,
I wanted to call you auntie,
I wanted to call you giits and have you play with my children,
your grandchildren,
for you are kind and lively
with all that weight on your shoulders,
more than any woman can physically bear
for the sixty years... and still smile
and still delight
and still press on...

Martha, you reminded me there are worse things
Worse ways to have my heart broke,
worse ways to have my hope stole,
worse ways to hurt another,
and better ways with which to recover,
step by step,
by step
Never asking us to follow in your footsteps
but to join you in the journey
to justice... side by side...
step, breath.... now step again...
that we may get there....

Monday, July 17, 2006

Elijah Harper

A Cree voice stood up for all First Nations people during the ill mannered attempt at constitutional reform under the Meech Lake Accord. While Quebec didn't get their distinct society clause, the promise that aboriginal rights would be considered later was called for what it really was: Unconstitutional.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Hey Victor...It's ok, I'm a doctor.

Satereh ~ She's smart, funny, has an amazing conscience, and the motivation to follow it. All that and the girl has killer skills on the dance floor. Here she is, the biggest fan of Evan Adams, ~ Hot Indian Actor turned Hot Indian Doctor. I wanna follow in his footsteps... literally. Paging Dr. Jess.... Paging Dr. Jess, please report to cardiology, STAT!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Frank Calder

This was one of the best moments of my University Career. Meeting Frank Calder and having lunch with him as part of an unconventional final for a history class. Who is Frank Calder ?

Shawna Paul & SWEETIE Starr

These girls take the cake, literally. They took Yummy's cake at about 3 am with a dj and a keg???? JK!
These are some smarty pants women, can't wait to do it again. Hopefully Yummy won't have to leave town to make it happen! The famous skins were a nice touch girls....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Stands with Juice!

I'm hugging Honorary Spiffy NDN "STANDS WITH JUICE". (Formerly known as Sparky.) She is a complex woman! Don't let this delicate flower mislead you... she's sensitive, but has the juice.. she stands with it.. hence her NDN name... She's got my back and I luv her for it! Honestly... Loyal dood... I'll be loyal forever! I will testify to all non-believers... I am a convert! Hope you can catch all four of us when we jump outta that plane! *Huggles!* (PS I'm buying you a shot for your bday!...)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Sweetie, You are a pretty girl!
Tall indian princess with
So much style
So much love to give
So much going for ya

Miss you,
Why does everyone cool
move to Alberta?


Saturday, October 01, 2005


Izzy, You are my sister Heart.
Girl you are so smart, strong, sincere, dynamic, beautiful, inspiring, fashionable, thrifty, heartfelt, innovative, challenging, poetic, artistic, vulnerable, caring, sharing, pragmatic, anti-colonialistic, witty, charming, alarming, flirtatious, sensational, awe inspiring, traditional, contemporary, Tahltan, jaw dropping hottie.... it's no wonder we're family ;)

Stay beautiful.
You are perfect and my life has been so much richer since you have been in it. Now go kick some politcal bootie!


Happy New Year 'Cuz.
You I adore, 'cuz you are sweet, and sincere and good to your kids and cuz you don't care if I'm queer! LOL!
You are beautiful dynamic and humble..... big hugs.


The babe, the warrior,
My high Priestess.
The best damn cook in the whole damn world.

Don't see you as often as I'd like,
but it's ALWAYS special when I do.

You are the bestest... the cutest and the hottest. I wouldn't kick you outta bed for eating Bannock!

Metis Movie Maven ~ Christine Welsh

My mentor, My boss, My dear dear friend. The one who pushes me further than I thought I could go, to places I didn't know there were, with meaning I didn't know was possible.
Thank you for changing my life.

Friday, September 30, 2005

The Lady

Here is part of my chosen family
She followed her heart to Alberta
I miss her soul deeply.
She is a true Lady....

I know she is with me no matter
where I am, and I with her.
I will remember her most fondly
laughing and dancing to Blue Rodeo
seventh row.... baby.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

You either are or you ain't, she ARE


I can't say I know you well, but EVERYTIME
I hear you yell out and spell out and ndn'ize your thoughts
and your pressence
and your audience
I am inspired.

so there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dale ~ who my ex boyfriend still calls the babe

Ain't this just the most beautiful woman you have ever seen? This is my godmother, god bless her, my mommy number two. She is a talented carver, jeweller and mother. She has saved my life more than once, though she may not know it. That trip to Hong Kong changed my life and I have you to thank. You represent home to me, complete with a dog, some kids, moose stew and fry bread with homemade jam. You are my inspiration, my confidant and my protector. For you I am eternally grateful.


This was to be my next ex-husband. We had the divorce planned and everything. Then the musician goes and finds his soulmate and marries her. What was that about? Happy for them! Any talented NDN man who ain't afraid of the aisle is alright by me. Atleast I have a picture with what might-a-been. Adore your strumming flat bannock ass.

~I'm gonna call you chumas.