Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Sweetie, You are a pretty girl!
Tall indian princess with
So much style
So much love to give
So much going for ya

Miss you,
Why does everyone cool
move to Alberta?


Saturday, October 01, 2005


Izzy, You are my sister Heart.
Girl you are so smart, strong, sincere, dynamic, beautiful, inspiring, fashionable, thrifty, heartfelt, innovative, challenging, poetic, artistic, vulnerable, caring, sharing, pragmatic, anti-colonialistic, witty, charming, alarming, flirtatious, sensational, awe inspiring, traditional, contemporary, Tahltan, jaw dropping hottie.... it's no wonder we're family ;)

Stay beautiful.
You are perfect and my life has been so much richer since you have been in it. Now go kick some politcal bootie!


Happy New Year 'Cuz.
You I adore, 'cuz you are sweet, and sincere and good to your kids and cuz you don't care if I'm queer! LOL!
You are beautiful dynamic and humble..... big hugs.


The babe, the warrior,
My high Priestess.
The best damn cook in the whole damn world.

Don't see you as often as I'd like,
but it's ALWAYS special when I do.

You are the bestest... the cutest and the hottest. I wouldn't kick you outta bed for eating Bannock!

Metis Movie Maven ~ Christine Welsh

My mentor, My boss, My dear dear friend. The one who pushes me further than I thought I could go, to places I didn't know there were, with meaning I didn't know was possible.
Thank you for changing my life.