Martha Joseph
Martha I found you walking,
I found you walking...
eternally step after step, after long breaths
another step... little taps on the pavement,
leaving no hint of the trail you
were blazing in the minds and the hearts
of us all,
the ones who you passed,
the ones who passed before you,
the ones that were never brought to life
but live in our broken and beautiful hearts...
With all that weight on your shoulders,
I wanted to call you auntie,
I wanted to call you giits and have you play with my children,
your grandchildren,
for you are kind and lively
with all that weight on your shoulders,
more than any woman can physically bear
for the sixty years... and still smile
and still delight
and still press on...
Martha, you reminded me there are worse things
Worse ways to have my heart broke,
worse ways to have my hope stole,
worse ways to hurt another,
and better ways with which to recover,
step by step,
by step
Never asking us to follow in your footsteps
but to join you in the journey
to justice... side by side...
step, breath.... now step again...
that we may get there....
I found you walking...
eternally step after step, after long breaths
another step... little taps on the pavement,
leaving no hint of the trail you
were blazing in the minds and the hearts
of us all,
the ones who you passed,
the ones who passed before you,
the ones that were never brought to life
but live in our broken and beautiful hearts...
With all that weight on your shoulders,
I wanted to call you auntie,
I wanted to call you giits and have you play with my children,
your grandchildren,
for you are kind and lively
with all that weight on your shoulders,
more than any woman can physically bear
for the sixty years... and still smile
and still delight
and still press on...
Martha, you reminded me there are worse things
Worse ways to have my heart broke,
worse ways to have my hope stole,
worse ways to hurt another,
and better ways with which to recover,
step by step,
by step
Never asking us to follow in your footsteps
but to join you in the journey
to justice... side by side...
step, breath.... now step again...
that we may get there....